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Chemical Peels

Chemical peels work to exfoliate and remove the damaged, dead outer layers of the skin and to promote skin turnover. Dead cell buildup on the skin can cause acne by clogging pores, maximize the appearance of fine lines, and make the skin appear dull and rough. The appropriate chemical solution is applied to the skin to improve acne and mild scarring or reduce skin pigmentation and wrinkles.

Chemical peels can be done on the face, neck, hands, or back. Your esthetician will help select the best peel to treat your skin concern.

Mandelic Peel


Indication: Redness

Jessner Peel


Indication: Hyperpigmentation

Pyruvic Peel


Indication: Acne

TCA 25% Peel


Indication: Hyperpigmentation & Acne Scarring

Glycolic Peel


Indication: Hyperpigmentation

Salicylic Peel 20%


Indication: Acne

Lactic Peel 35%


Lactic Peel 50%


Lactic Peel 70%


Hand Peel


Indication: Aging

Neck Peel


Indication: Aging